Colour Psychology Workshop with Sophie Robinson and Fiona Humberstone

On Tuesday 25th September Sophie Robinson, Interior Stylist and star of The Great British Interior Design Challenge, and Fiona Humberstone of The Brand Stylist travelled from the UK to present their Colour Psychology Workshop to a room full of creative and knowledge hungry designers.

To say this course was a game changer is an understatement.  We explored the "Seasonal Personalities and learned how to identify our clients "season" in order to connect with them and deliver designs that resonate and capture the brief. 

We also learned about translating colour psychology into tones and textures, creating captivating mood boards, styling tips and tricks, and how to stream line our creative process.

Sophie and Fiona are such inspiring ladies. Their enthusiasm and excitement is totally infectious and their passion for colour oozed from them throughout the day.

We hope all the ladies who travelled from near and far enjoyed the day as much as we did.  

Finally a special word of thanks to our Corporate Sponsors Samsung Ireland, Modulyss and MRCB Paints and Papers.

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